PaperPlateGourmet.com is a website that provides recipes and information dealing in the preparation of food and allows submissions by various sources, including 3rd-party websites. PaperPlateGourmet.com in no way provides any warranty, implied or otherwise, towards the content of recipes submitted by any visitor, website, or other entity. As such, it is the reader's responsibility to determine the value and quality of any recipe or instructions provided for food preparation and to determine the nutritional value, if any, and safety of the preparation instructions.
Recipes taken from our site and prepared are done so "at your own risk". PaperPlateGourmet.com is not responsible for any damage, medically or otherwise, resulting in the preparation of food using the instructions or recipes provided on this website. Readers and visitors must take care to check the instructions provided and determine their value and any possible medical condition that may arise from the consumption of the ingredients listed in this site's pages.
No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
With regards to the above paragraph, PaperPlateGourmet.com hereby provides you, the reader, with an exclusive and non-transferable license to make a copy of, or print any page deemed a "recipe" that is listed on our site for your own personal use and may not be reproduced on any website or publication. You may link to any page within PaperPlateGourmet.com however, including any recipe found on this site.
Recipe Submission Policy
If you choose to submit a recipe to PaperPlateGourmet.com, you must agree to the following terms and conditions: